So DN1 has returned, bright, happy and slightly larger, the baby's growing and DN1 has in Her own words put on a spurt.
I was somewhat nervous of how She would be with me seeing our last parting had been quite brutal, with me flinging around a mythological axe and chopping into Her dreams and illusions. She was however more than fine with me, and as She talked to Her Mother; it became clear my words had sunk in. Mistress was on top form and although She did not realise She probed very gently over old ground with me nodding in agreement but saying very little.
It's been a joint effort but we have helped Her see sense and hopefully saved Her from a lot of anguish. Now we can move forward and help Her, if She wants or needs us to.
Mistress read my last post earlier today and enquired what "toys" would be travelling with us when we go on holiday. She said She was a little confused as She hadn't told me that we were taking anything.
Anyway while She was out this evening so I got on with a few chores and unintentionally earned a few brownie points, I might need to cash them in next week.
It has become clear to me; reading other peoples blogs that many see FLM/R to be separate from BDSM. I can see how this can work, but for us I just don't think it would be as satisfying. Equally we would find BDSM without FLM/R unfulfilling. That's not to say anyone's choice is wrong, it just would be wrong for us.
As an older person it's rare that in the world of computers/internet we know more than the sprogs,
However I have just managed to solve a computer/internet problem DN1 was struggling with.
This old man still has ability to impress, well I got lucky, but don't tell anyone!
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