Thursday, 4 September 2014

Pre Escape Blues

Its been one of those weeks, no play, little of anything else.  We are both a little stressed over our Daughter and play is not a priority at the moment.  My submission continues, the jobs/tasks still are there to be done; and have been.

Also we are both a little holiday happy as we are about to go away on our main holiday at the end of this week.

Boy do I need a break from work!  And yes I know I have just had an impromptu week off.

I'm sad to hear of "Im Hers" having back problems, having had some problems myself sometime ago
I know it is horrible and frightening, the what if I cannot work again question starts to form in the back of anyone's mind.  The what if I cannot serve my Mistress for me was an even bigger question.
I wish him a speed recovery.

My work involved me being in town early one morning the other day.  The town was in the throws of waking up, coffee on the go, breakfast loosely wrapped up from one of the very many fast-food outlets, people scurried this way and that.

I had a few minutes to wait outside the building I was going to work in; as no-one had arrived.  There was the smell of freshish vomit, deposited; after the night before club frolics had swept forth onto the sidewalks and roads. The council sweepers had done their job and just the smell remained.

A short distance from me the "Down & Outs" were leaving the hostel, cans opened so that the first fix of the day could be taken.  Some of the group; men and women hunkered down on a small green patch of grass across the road from me, taking in the early sunshine, their day already planned and on course.  Sad.

Duly my customer arrived and let me in.  Not always, but more often that it should; the goal posts were attempted to be moved. i.e he wanted more than agreed; for his buck.  I have a very firm policy on this and will not budge, on the bases that I live its a smallish place and if I get that reputation of being a push over, well you get the idea.

As normal there was a few minutes of debate, silence and then acceptance that I would do the job agreed, for the amount agreed but no more.  Strangely enough I find that most people tend to respect me more than if I had given in.  Even more strangely is the fact that I get repeat business from them.  This was the case with this guy, this was the third job in the last couple of years he had given me.  Each time he argued the toss and then gave up and put the coffee on!

Where I was working is a multi-use space, combining offices, a public hall and a printers shop.  The hall is used by the day by various organisations which as it turned out was a drop in centre for the "Down and Outs".  So shortly they started to drift in, to use the facilities (toilets etc) and pick up sandwiches and fruit, all being handed out by two cheery Woman.  It was noticeable that the fruit was not to popular, nor the tea and coffee.  My tools went straight into the managers office, always a pain when I have to go back and forth for just the right tool, but better that the alternative.

Many of the men looked heaps older than my young 50's, but I suspect the majority were younger than me, I guess a few hard months or years does that, along with the self abuse of one substance or another.  I wonder if a Femdom World would allow this? If not; how would they tackle the problem.

Daughter Number One is back home today, we await to see developments, I am a little nervous to see how She is.  I'm hopeful that time away from us both has given Her time to reflect, I know it has for me and Mistress.  Someone mentioned in another blog that he was moving in with his Mistress/Wife to be, and Her 14 year old Daughter.  He said the Daughter was a good Girl, sensible and steered clear of drugs etc.  This is of course good to hear.  Not sure if its fully true, young teens have a cleaver ability to hide the truth when they want to. 

He went on to say (and this really worried me) that he was looking forward to being disciplined by his Mistress in front of the Daughter so that She, the Daughter could see that a man should be submissive to the Woman in his life and accept Her rules and correction.  The should we tell the children question has been asked more that once, and in some ways I would like it to be out in the open.  However, the but and its a big but (no jokes please I'm on a diet) is that the teen would almost instantly loose any respect for the father/guardian and not follow parental rules, guidance and dare I say discipline (Not beating, but perhaps the loss of pocket money).

This would put all the pressure on the Mistress/Wife/Partner to maintain discipline.  It just would not be fair on the Mistress/Wife/Partner to have to take on that heavy load on Her own.  Yes I know thousands of single parents have to take on the load, but when there are two of you, opting out just to suite your lifestyle is I think just plain wrong, and will inevitably lead to problems and conflict down the line.  I cannot see why the Mistress/Wife/Partner should not take the lead role; backed up by the man, but it is very important that they both maintain a united front.  If the man gets it wrong Mistress should tell him in private and then try to find away to correct the problem.  If the man feels that the Mistress has got it wrong, he must tell Her, but accept that She may not see it their way and acquiesce to Her ruling.

The danger of the Daughter becoming a Mini-Domme is worrying, what happens when the Lady of the house is out and the Daughter insists that the man pours Her a large Whisky? or demands a Cigarette!

The Daughter will soon pick up that the man does many of the chores around the home, She may not realise that this is not the norm in many house-holds, however She will expected it in Her relationships.  I know this to be true.  DN1 boyfriends with the exception of one have all cleaned Her Bedroom while She has sat on the Sofa/Bed chatting to them.

We will take a few toys on holiday, and if lucky get to play, I will still do the dishes and most of the cooking. In some ways my submission will be more fulfilled as I will have most time to devote to Mistress.  Happy Days!

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